Entrance to the year 2017

We are now at the beginning of 2017.A year that symbolizes many energetic changes.

I refer to this year as the 7th year, although numerologists say it is the 10th year

Why was it chosen as the 7th year?

Because the frequency of the universe lies within it, the 7

There are 7 days in a week

In the Jewish tradition there are 7 days of mourning,

7 days before circumcision,

7 blessings for the bride,

7 good years…and more.

The whole world was created in 7 words:

בְּרֵאשִׁית, בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים, אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם, וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ

In the beginning God created heaven and earth

With the entry of 2017 we enter the synchronization with the frequency of the Universe, the 7th frequency. This means that we enter the cycles of nature and the Universe, and at the same time we release the emotional and energetic discomfort caused by the past year’s events, in order to make room for new energy. We can then enter a process of rewiring and recalibrating.

This is time to decide on a year of satiety = abundance, fullness and wholeness. A time to release the hardships of the past year and to make a restart for a better year.

A Year of Achieving Goals.

 Recognition is the beginning of healing. From there the healing and relaxation process begins The relaxation is a quiet wave, after an effort, movement in nature never ceases, even when the wind is quiet and the leaves do not move, there is relaxation with “slow motion”, there is never a complete stop in nature, even when growing …

2017 is a year of prosperity, fullness and wholeness, a year of realization, and Horses’ Energy allows us to balance ourselves through the process of restarting while making a new start.