In life events happen to us, or around us.
We always automatically define them as being –
Bad for us,
Good for us,
Without always knowing the answer.
This occurs due to a lack of observation on our part of the bigger picture.

Most people tend to judge things that happen according to the beliefs and patterns by which they were raised and educated.
It does not necessarily have anything to do with the event.
Most people are narrow- minded, and think in a narrow fashion, stemming from their feelings and beliefs.
When a person develops consciousness –
We are not talking about his personal development, but rather the spiritual development and awareness.
He learns to observe what is happening through emotions,
And not out of emotions
And always try to see the bigger picture.
For example: a person with a great tendency to give –
It can be good as is written “cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days”.,
Emitting energy of generosity and goodness.,
It can be bad –  in  that the person  may be utilized,
to an extent,
And will not limit his giving.

In the photo a white foal (not Albino) was born this week.
Is that good?
Yes, it is beautiful and rare.
Is it bad?
Yes, it will be sensitive to sun,
With a tendency towards melanoma.