The power of the subconscious and the horses

More than 40 years ago, a 5-year-old girl in kindergarten, sat her friends around her and told them firmly, “Wait and see when I am big I will go to America and ride horses with Indians and cowboys.”

 That girl had no television at home at the time, she did not know how to read books yet, but there was something very convincing about that occasion.

About 40 years later, that girl who had grown up, boarded a plane, crossed the ocean, and landed at a large horse ranch in Texas to learn therapeutic riding and horse therapy. Of course, there were Native Americans, Cowboys and Cowgirls, lots of horses and intensive riding lessons.

When she got back she met a childhood friend who asked after her, she told her friend about the trip to Texas. His eyes opened wide “that is exactly what you told us all the time in kindergarten”

That girl had forgotten, but her subconscious remembered and directed the fulfillment of her childhood dream, at the right time.

That girl is me. I have fulfilled a great childhood dream, without my consciousness even remembering it.

I began to see that at the same time my other dreams, which had come to me in one way or another, began to materialize without effort. The awareness processes that I had undergone over the years, has made many things open up and come true.

The trip to Texas, USA was a turning point in my life and my approach to life in general, beyond a new career, the opening of a whole new world, my self-belief has grown and my self-image restored after years of oppressed work as a salaried worker.

The subconscious mind, has a crucial ability to realize our dreams if they are right for us and for our higher good.

I began to explore this subject and reached far-reaching conclusions that I am talking about in my workshops to develop consciousness with horses.

The essence is that we are all in an endless field of possibilities of the universe. We have the ability to choose which energetic fields we want to connect with, when consciousness is actually a sophisticated G.P.S. that directs us to connect to the right fields and enables us to transform energy to material.

The subconscious manages 90% of our lives, with the help of horses’ energy we can influence our subconscious and change the course of our lives, in other words, to take our fate into our own hands.

In the picture above, I am in a pasture, on a farm in Texas, with a mare called Scian

And in conclusion: It’s never too late to realize dreams !!